How to sell like crazy

You want to sell your products? Do you know that the money in business isn’t in your product or service, it’s in the selling of your product or service. As a business owner, selling should be your number one priority – and you must act accordingly. This means spending the bulk of your time on marketing and sales-related activities.

Read: The 27 Profitable Small business ideas you can start with low capital

But there is a craft to driving sales that needs to be learned and mastered if you must become a distributor that turns in massive sales regularly. Sales Guru, Dr. Onyx Kalu in this training at EXACTLY 11am GMT+1 ON THE 2ND OF DECEMBER 2020 shows how to develop this craft.

Sales Guru, Dr. Onyx Kalu is a genius when it comes to marketing and scaling businesses, his free training is an absolute must attend. You might never come across such a training being free. In America similar trainings are valued at about $250.

The Speaker Dr. onyx kalu

The king of marketing! He is an insanely smart guy, super sharp marketer and most importantly of all an actual practitioner. He isn’t selling the dream – His advice is practical, actionable and the results speak for themselves. A must-attend for anyone who wants to sell anything.”  

Our Doctor is a serial entrepreneur who runs Nigeria’s fastest growing end-to-end digital marketing agency. he has bootstrapped his company since day one and in less than five years has successfully built a team of 54 specialists now achieving ₦ 14million+ in revenue. As a pioneer in the digital marketing arena, his business has impacted 29 businesses in 8 different states and has generated in excess of $400 million in sales for him and his clients.

The training gives specifics on each of sales stages; tips on where to get information and key steps to complete them. All in all, cutting through the hyperbole, this is a good training that is packaged… interestingly.

People don’t care about your product and service being the best — only you do. People care about it solving their problems. You need to convince them that the price you are asking is less than the value of solving the problem.

So lets get right to it what are some of these facts ?


  1. Target potential customers who are not looking to buy right now as well
  2. Fully understand potential customers reservations (Halo technique)
  3. Educate their fears and needs with this knowledge (Give a HVCO)
  4. Give your brilliant offer that will challenge you to work your best (Godfather offer)
  5. Call/Contact them and be like a doctor — listen and then prescribe your solution/service
  6. 4% of your time gets 64% of your revenue
  7. “find your reason for action that is so strong that it simply makes the action simple”.

Once you understand these 7 initial steps, you will see a scale problem. You need to reach out to more people than you can alone. You need an automated sales system. Mr Onyx focuses on Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Radio/Podcasts and Youtube.

In a nutshell, Focus on the Larger Market?

3% of the addressable market are looking to buy now, yet 90% of ads focus on them because they are the ‘easier’ sell. You simply offer them what they want.

17% are actively researching but are not confident enough to invest in buying yet. 20% know about the problem but have not started investigating.

These two, 37%, are untapped but shouldn’t be.

The 60% should be targeted too! This way your marketing to 97% of your addressable market, which, if you have done it correctly, will be favourable to you when they transition to being the 3% that are buying.

To do this, Dr Onyx suggests you need a system that first attracts people, educates them, nurtures their interest, and then supports them to act — preferably using your services.

The Godfather Strategy — “An offer he can’t refuse”

Give good information


First create a table of all your features. Then write the benefits of all of those features. From this you can create your offer.

As these examples of features versus benefits show, nobody wants to buy slimming tea… people want strength, vitality and look slimmer.

So do you want to derive maximum benefit, and get an expantiated explanation on how to sell like crazy? join the zoom meeting find the details below


Time: Dec 2, 2020, 11:00 AM West Central Africa

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 345 199 7654

Passcode: 123456

Happy Selling!

NOTE! NOTE! NOTE! The first 30 people to join this zoom meeting get their data back on any network. 1 gig of data. to get your data, after joining send a whatsapp message to 08030541276

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