Blog title ideas that anyone can replicate to increase free traffic to your blog.
Ever wondered how some websites or blogs pump out posts after posts that go viral and drive free massive traffic to their sites?
Or why some blogs stay ahead of their competitors retaining and acquiring new readers daily?
The answer is simple: These bloggers use special techniques. They write content their audience wants to know about.
As a new blogger, coming up with the right blog title (s) or topics is one of the challenges you must be facing right now. I’ve been a blogger for almost 3 years and I know how difficult it can be to get blog title ideas. In fact, most successful bloggers still find it hard dishing out great content for their audience because after a while they just run out of ideas. But the technique of writing only what your audience wants and not what you want to tell them can give you a lot of popular topics that will drive or increase free traffic to your blog. (Free traffic is the same as search engine traffic.)
To start writing what your audience want to know, start by asking yourself the following questions:
Who are my audience?
What keywords or topics are my audience searching for?
Or what questions do they need answers to?
Getting answers to those questions will ease you the stress of writing a blog post that no one wants to read or spending a lot of time doing keywords research.
If you have basic SEO knowledge, you’ll know to conduct keywords research before you write and publish a post or an article on your blog. You wiII also know that it’s important to optimize your posts for search engines by including these keywords in your title, first paragraph, subheadings and to distribute the keywords evenly on your content; not over optimizing as doing so makes your content look spammy.
So, how can we know what information our audience are looking for?
In this article, I will show you 5 ways successful bloggers get blog title ideas for their blogs. Some of these ways are how I have been able to improve on my SEO and grow my blog’s search traffic within a short period.
5 Ways to Find Blog topics / Blog Title Ideas that will Increase Free Traffic to your Blog
#1. Google Autocomplete

As small as this feature may seem, the Google Autocomplete feature is one of the best ways I get ideas for blog title to write on. Google Autocomplete is the easiest way to find keywords as it saves you time and money.
Autocomplete is available anywhere you find a Google search box. Just begin typing and you will see predictions appear.
How do Google determine these predictions?
Google looks at the real searches that happen on Google and show common and trending ones relevant to the characters that are entered including queries related to your location. (A good one if you are targeting people in your location.)
However, here is what you should know before you use the Google Auto complete to find keywords ideas for your blog. You need to have a particular keyword in mind for your search. As you begin typing, you will get insight from the queries. Again, the Autocomplete feature does not stop you from conducting keywords research. One thing I always do after getting suggestions for blog topics is that I analyze them to see if they have high monthly search volume.
#2. Spy on your Competitors
It’s OK to spy. If you have chosen a niche, then you should know your competitors. If you know your competitors, you should spy on them to get free traffic.
Do you know who you true competitors are? If you don’t, that should be your focus right now.
Who are your competitors?
This simple technique will help you. Go to Google and search for a keyword related to your blog niche. The top ten results on Google excluding mega websites like Wikipedia, Google, etc, are your competitors. Write and save their URLs somewhere.
Why should you spy on your competitors?
You should spy on your competitors because you want to know which keywords they are ranking for. Also what they are doing to rank for such keywords.
The spy approach has given me a top edge on finding blog title ideas for my blog.
How do you spy on your competitors to get ideas for your blog?
Use paid SEO tools like Ahref and Moz to conduct this analysis.
With Ahref for example, you can enter your competitors url on the dashboard and it will bring out everything you need to know to get the right blog post ideas. It will give you data that includes the keywords that brings massive traffic to their blogs, the monthly search volumes, the Cost Per Click, position and the Keyword Difficulty. When analyzing these websites, focus on the keywords with high volume, high CPC and low KD. Experts believe that the lower the keyword difficulty, the greater the chances that you may get some of their free (organic) traffic when you write a post on them.
#3. See Questions people are asking on Quora
Quora is a place to gain and share knowledge. It’s a platform to ask questions and connect with people who contribute unique insights and quality answers.
Enter Quora and you will marvel at the ton of questions people are constantly asking. People come to Quora to ask questions and to connect. From questions relating to tech, to fashion, education, books, movies, blogging, health, food, crypto, businesses. There is no niche left out in the space of Quora. These questions can give you ideas about which blog title to write.
Besides giving you blog title ideas, Quora can also help you drive some good traffic to your blog. Sign up on the forum, fill in your profile and qualifications, connect and start answering questions. Questions related to topics you have published in your blog. After answering the questions, you can insert your link to the post directing users to find more information on the topic.
#4. Read Other Blog Posts in your Niche
As spying is important, so is reading. Reading contents from blogs in your niche can give you quality ideas or inspiration on blog title to write on. These blogs have been in existence for years, they have access to tools and resources they need to create compelling blog topics. Always ensure you keep up to date with these blogs by reading a post or two from them. Doing so will give you the inspiration you need to write.
To keep up to date with these blogs, you can choose to allow rather than ignore the notification button that pops up on your screen when you visit. Thus, you get notified when new blog topics are published.
#5. Ask Questions
This isn’t an approach I have tried, but I have read positive results from people who have used this method. Bloggers who are finding it hard getting blog title ideas have taken the turn of asking their readers or audience questions about something they (the audience) want to know. They use tools like Survey Monkey to carry out a survey, others use social media (Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram) to ask questions.
Questions from their readers, information their readers need answers to. By carrying out a simple survey, they are able to get clue of blog topics to write. The way your audience describe a topic can be a form of keyword research. Perhaps, they use those same terms to search. It’s simply understanding what visitors want, creating and sharing the content they’re searching for.
The Take Home
The technique to get blog title ideas for your blog is a big step to retaining your readers. If you invest your time writing only what interests you and not what interests your audience, you will end up writing blog topics that no one wants to read.
Although the idea is not about figuring out which blog titles have huge average monthly volume, it’s a good major step into driving free search engines traffic to your blog and websites.
So, with these ideas you can come up with lots of popular blog topics that receive a lot of search engine traffic and returning visitors.
Further Reading
The 22 Silliest Blogging Mistakes you should Avoid when Launching your New Blog