Trump Attacks Biden for Bailing Protesters

The President of the United States of America, President Donald Trump has reacted to Joe Biden’s donation to bail protesters.

It was reported that Joe Biden Staff were donating money to bail George Floyd’s protesters arrested by the police in Minneapolis.

Trump said, “These were the people that trashed Seattle years ago. Who’s paying for these people.

“I was appalled that 13 of Joe Biden’s staff were donating money to bail people out in Minneapolis. They should have stayed in jail until this is over (and beyond),” he tagged Fox and Friends host, Brian Kilmeade in his tweet on Monday.

Trump had ordered the police to arrest protesters saying they were harming African-American businesses and the community by inciting violence.

He had charged the Liberal governors and mayors to get tough by arresting the protesters else the Federal Government would step in using its unlimited military power to arrest them.

Also Trump claimed that Biden has no knowledge of what he had set out to do.

“Sleep Joe Biden’s people are so Radical Left that they are working to get the Anarchists out of jail, and probably more.

” Joe doesn’t know anything about it, he is clueless, but they will be the real power, not Joe.

“They will be calling the shots! Big tax increases for all, Plus!” Trump said in a series of tweet on Monday, June 1st, 2020.

Related: “Trump did not give me the Opportunity to Speak,” Philonise Floyd

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